Vieillir en santé: c'est possible! (French only)

Average rating of 5.0 out of 5 stars.
1 User Reviews
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Available in French

Si la tendance se maintient, vous vivrez vieux. Votre corps et vos capacités se modifieront au fil des années à venir… comme ils l’ont fait tout au long de votre vie. Vous expérimentez peut-être certains irritants du vieillissement comme les trous de mémoire, les douleurs qui apparaissent, les médicaments qui se multiplient, les sens qui s’émoussent. Vous préférez ne pas y penser ? Ce livre est pour vous. Pour arrêter d’avoir peur de vieillir. Pour faire face au dernier tabou.

Characteristics Details
  • Author: Sylvie Belleville & Michelle Sirois
  • Page number: 256
  • Editor: CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
  • Publication date: 2017
  • ISBN: 978-2551259441

What is part of normal aging? What isn't?

The authors offers tips to implement starting today to maintain and improve your health. This is not ready-made recipes or miracle products at all. In fact, all 11 chapters of this book are based on evidence provided by scientific research from the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. Scientific rigor, dedramatizing, and useful advice: here's a must-read for this next step in life.

Customer Reviews

Average rating of 5.0 out of 5 stars.
1 customer reviews
Eugeria's Take

This book gives a very positive and dynamic outlook on the different stages and challenges of aging. A lot of information is accessible and the illustrations makes understanding easier. Moreover, practical tips are offered to face the challenges of aging while maintaining the best quality of life possible.


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars.
Eugeria replied:
By Anonymous
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars.
Very, very much appreciated by my 82 year old dad for whom the book was useful and beneficial and for whom the themes raised had a reassuring and "normalizing" effect. He appreciated the clear and understandable text as well as the layout. The book circulates in the family, it is interesting for each of us and it stimulates beautiful and enriching conversations.
April 2, 2021

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