The Alzheimer’s Caregiving Puzzle: Putting Together the Pieces by Patricia Callone & Connie Kudlacek (en anglais seulement)

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In the US 5.2 million people live with Alzheimer's disease, it is the sixth-leading cause of death and ten million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer's in their lifetime. Alzheimer's often takes a bigger toll on the caregivers of persons living with Alzheimer's, generally family members, loved-ones and friends.

Written by two caregivers with 55 years of experience, the book addresses the challenges caregivers face dealing with the behaviors of those they are caring for.

Through the use of diagrams, charts, examples, and stories the book will help caregivers to understand what their loved ones are going through. And what they, as caregivers, are going through as well. Although no one has all the answers to the puzzle of Alzheimer's yet, this book will help people to understand and give better care to persons living with and the people caring for them.

The Alzheimer's Caregiving Puzzle shows:

  • The basic concepts of Alzheimer's disease and its progression across the brain
  • What loved ones need as the disease progresses
  • The outlines of three caregiving styles
  • Caregiving stages in charts
  • Five healthy caregiving practices
  • How to give dignified, appropriate and safe care
  • How to be compassionate with others and forgiving of one's self
Caractéristiques Détails
  • Auteures : Patricia Callone & Connie Kudlacek
  • Éditions : Demos Health
  • Parution : 1 octobre 2010
  • Pages : 192 pages
  • ISBN : 9781932603880

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